Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Post That Didn't Want To Be

I fully intended to have this up last Sunday, but better late than never!  I've had to rewrite it three times because whatever technical difficulties Blogger was having erased my first two attempts. After writing this twice already, my motivation for this particular post is a bit drained.  So, I'm starting this off as a pictorial telling and I may come back and edit more later.  And I still don't have the pictures from mom's camera - I'll get them on here eventually.  

Happy.  Mother's Day.
After a great breakfast with the family, we took Anna and Reese and mom and dad up to York for a nice little hike through Trout Creek Canyon.  It's one of my favorite hikes, it's a beautiful area and an easy trail.  (I had done this same hike the day before with Jasper, so most of the pictures are from then.  It was a little bit too wet Sunday to get the cameras out.)

It rained.  Pretty much the entire time.  But not enough to put a damper on the day, and it ended up being just cool enough that you didn't work up a sweat and just warm enough that even if you stopped moving you weren't really chilled.